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  • Ornements (ornaments)

        Aubusson tapestry woven in the Tabard workshop. With certificate of origin signed by the artist, n° 4. 1963.       Lurçat approached Saint-Saëns, originally a painter of murals, in 1940. And during the war the latter produced the first of his allegorical masterpieces, tapestries reflecting indignation, combat, resistance : “les Vierges folles (the foolish virgins), “Thésée et le Minotaure” (Theseus and the Minotaur). At the end of the war, as a natural development he joined up with Lurçat, whose convictions he shared (concerning a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers, and the specific nature of tapestry design...) at the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-cartonniers de Tapisserie). His universe, where the human figure, stretched, elongated, ooccupies an important place (particularly when compared to his companions Lurçat or Picart le Doux), pivots around traditional themes : woman, the Commedia dell’arte, Greek mythology... refined by the brilliance of the colours and the simplification of the layout. His work would evolve later, in the 1960’s, towards cartoons of a more lyrical design, almost abstract where elemental and cosmic forces would dominate.       This cartoon can be seen as belonging to this particular style. Here is an extract from the 1987 catalogue of his works (p37) : “Ornements, a purely decorative tapestry, resembles Dédale, Biologie (property of the Head office of the CNRS), Bel Canto, in its pure and ample style, flowing and lyrical, very close to the painted studies where Saint-Saëns loosed his passion for freely spread colour.” This cartoon was produced in a series of 5.       Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Saint-Saëns, the tapestries, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la Tapisserie, 1987 (tapestry included in the exhibition but not illustrated in the catalogue) Exhibition catalogue Marc Saint-Saëns, tapestries, 1935-1979, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine 1997-1998 (ill.p 22) Exhibition Catalogue Marc Saint-Saëns, galerie Moulins, PAD 2010 (ill. p.16)
  • Le cirque (circus)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. Circa 1945.
  • Santa Barbara

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. With signed label, n°2/6. Circa 1965.
  • Saint-Mars (composition blues black yellow red white)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Tabard workshop.. With label. 1963.
        From early on in his career, Mortensen, favoured an abstract painting style. He settled in Paris in 1947 and showed his works, with other artists also inclined to geometric abstraction, at the Denise René gallery. In 1952 under the aegis of François Tabard and Vasarely an exhibition titled « 12 original tapestries » opened at the gallery where, in the company of Le Corbusier and Léger, there appeared works by Deyrolle, Taueber-Arp and Mortensen who thus became the first abstract painters to be reproduced in tapestry and a new art form was born (in this context, it must not be forgotten that this is the period where the “Lurçat style” was absolutely dominant) which Gilioli, Matégot and Tourlière will all subsequently claim as their own. Mortensen’s collaboration with the “René-Tabard tapestries” will last until 1968, even though he returned to his native Denmark in 1964. The 14 works of the artist which will be woven are characterised by his large-scale geometrical  compositions, using bright, light and contrasting colours in large expanses of colour, which the weavers of the Tabard workshop reproduce with great success.   « One of the loveliest » of Mortensen’s tapestries according to Valentine Fougère (Tapisseries de notre temps, Paris 1969), « Saint Mars », a somewhat obscure title, derives directly from an engraving from 1962. The style which is wholly geometric, consisting of blocks of primary colour and surrounded by a frame, is characteristic of this artist’s style in the years 1961-2. This model, which was to be found both at the Mobilier National (bought from the Denise René gallery in 1963) and also at the Cité de la Tapisserie in Aubusson, was woven in 2 sizes : the dimensions of this copy correspond to that mentioned in the Cité.     Origin :  Denise René collection   Bibliography : Madeleine Jarry, la Tapisserie, art du XXe siècle, Fribourg, 1974, ill. n°145 Exhibition catalogue, Aubusson, la voie abstraite, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la Tapisserie, 1993, ill. p.14 (on a photograph of a 1964 exhibition at the Denise René gallery) p.32 Acts of the colloquium, la tapisserie hier et aujourd’hui, Paris, 2011, ill. n°6 p.213 Visitor’s guide, nef des tentures, Cité internationale de la Tapisserie, Aubusson, 2016, ill. p.84
  • Amazonie (Amazonia)

        Aubusson tapestry woven by the Hamot workshop. With signed label. 1962.         Jean Picart le Doux is one of the foremost figures in the renaissance of the art of tapestry. His earliest contributions to the field date back to 1943 when he designed cartoons for the passenger ship “la Marseillaise”. A close associate of Lurçat, whose theories he would adopt (limited palette, numbered cartoons...), he was a founding member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-cartonniers de Tapisserie), and soon after, a teacher at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. The state gave him several commissions most of them at the Aubusson workshop, and some at the Gobelins : the most spectacular of these being for the University of Caen, the Theatre in Le Mans, the passenger ship France or the Prefecture of the Creuse département ... In as much as Picart le Doux’s aesthetic is close to that of Lurçat, so also is his inspiration and his subject matter, although in a register which is more decorative than symbolic, where he brings together heavenly bodies (the sun, the moon, the stars...), the elements, nature (wheat, vines, fish, birds...), man, literary quotation ...   Since « Orénoque » dating from 1956 (Bruzeau n°72), South America recurrs regularly in the work of Picart le Doux. Here “la huppe”, a vertical cartoon (Bruzeau n°97) is enlarged horizontally by the addition of the river peopled with turtles, fish a highly effective decorative ensemble.   Bibliography : Marthe Belle-Jouffray, Jean Picart le Doux, Publications filmées d’art et d’histoire, 1966, ill. n°5 Maurice Bruzeau, Jean Picart le Doux, Murs de soleil, Editions Cercle d’art, 1972, ill. n°129 Exhibition Catalogue, Jean Picart le Doux, tapisseries, Musée de Saint-Denis, 1976 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Picart le Doux, Musée de la Poste, 1980, n°14  ill.  
  • Composition au chou (composition with cabbage)

    Tapestry woven By Lilette Keller. Circa 1963.
  • Eveil du jour (Awakening of the day)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. With label, n°1/1. Circa 1980.
  • New York

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With signed label. 1960.
  • Les Champs-Elysées (the Champs Elysées)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop for the Compagnie des arts Français. 1945.
  • La sylve (the forest)

    Tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. With label. 1968.
        Representing the prolific Belgian school of modern tapestry, Mary Dambiermont, is one of its most sensitive protagonists whose work is resolutely figurative. She made her tapestry début at the age of 24 in 1956 and that led her to a close collaboration with the Braquenié establishment in 1958 and from there to two participations in the Biennales de tapisserie in Lausanne in 1962 and 1965. The world she inhabits is a singular place peopled with hieratic figures, often feminine who inhabit dream-like landscapes which are strange and occasionally troubling. Sometimes however, nature is sufficient unto itself, although not often on the scale of this work (12 m2 !), abandoning any attempt at storytelling, as if an echo of bygone times in the history of Tapestry making : “With its twentieth century foliage, it reveals the ancient architecture of an immutable forest.” (Paul Caso, Mary Dambiermont, p.56)       Bibliography : Paul Caso, Mary Dambiermont, Editions Arts et voyages, 1975, ill p.54-55
  • Soleil d'août (august sun)

        Aubusson tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. With signed label. 1958.            
  • Le verger (the orchard)

    Tapestry woven by the Braquenié workshop. With label. 1965.
        Representing the prolific Belgian school of modern tapestry, Mary Dambiermont, is one of its most sensitive protagonists whose work is resolutely figurative. She made her tapestry début at the age of 24 in 1956 and that led her to a close collaboration with the Braquenié establishment in 1958 and from there to two participations in the Biennales de tapisserie in Lausanne in 1962 and 1965. The world she inhabits is a singular place peopled with hieratic figures, often feminine who inhabit dream-like landscapes which are strange and occasionally troubling. This cartoon, shown at the biennale in Lausanne, is a development of the contemporary theme of enclosure (20 works exhibited in 1966), which is itself an echo of the mediaeval « hortus conclusus ».   Bibliography : Cat. Expo. 2e biennale internationale de la tapisserie, Lausanne, Musée cantonal des beaux-arts, 1965, ill. p.19 Paul Caso, Mary Dambiermont, Editions Arts et voyages, 1975, ill p.42-43  
  • Arès et Aphrodite (Ares and Aphrodite)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Picaud workshop. With signed label, n°1/4. Circa 1970.
        « It is thus easy to understand that, having based my painting on my love of tapestry, it was relatively easy for me, and particularly tempting, to produce tapestries which were faithful to my painting” writes the artist in the exhibition catalogue for the 1970 show at the Galerie Verrière.It is not until 1961 that he started making designs (over 50) both for woven tapestries (at Aubusson, but also for the Mobilier National with, on occasion, the collaboration of Pierre Baudoin), but also those employing needlepoint. The artist’s very audacious palette is immediately recognisable in these cartons, with their use of primary colours. But if Lapicque’s artistic language is established in the 1950’s, the themes which appear in his work evolve with time : thus mythological subjects (recurrent in the history of tapestry making) appear in his work following a journey to Greece in 1964, and « Diane et Actéon », then « Pélops » were the first of his cartoons to be woven in Aubusson predating “Arès et Aphrodite” whose depiction is faithful to the ancient texts (Homer, Ovid) : Hephaestus throwing his net and the Olympian gods laughing at the scene....     Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue, Expo Lapicque, Lyons, Galerie Verrière 1970
  • Sonnen-Vision (Suns-Vision)

        Tapestry woven by the Münchener Gobelin Manufaktur. With signed label. 1975.      
    Holger was a student at the Ecole Nationale d’Art Décoratif d’Aubusson and worked with Lurçat before the latter’s death in 1966. He designed numerous dream-like cartoons woven by the Aubusson workshop. Now settled in the United States, he remains a tireless advocate for, and witness to, modern tapestry design, organising exhibitions and lectures on the subject.   Some of his cartoons have been woven in the two workshops active in Germany, in Nuremberg and Munich, using Aubusson techniques.
  • Composition

      Tapestry, probably Aubusson woven. Circa 1970   If Lanskoy’s work starts to evolve towards the abstract from the beginning of the 1940’s, his first cartoons date from the 1950’s : thus they are all abstract. Originally working with Picaud’s workshop at Aubusson, he would go on to collaborate with Maurice Chassagne (on whose productions there never appears any indication of the workshop nor certificate of authenticity), but his work was also woven by the Manufactures Nationales, and “Consolation” would be hung in the ocean liner “France”, undeniable proof of official recognition for this artist. A major protagonist of lyrical abstraction whose work was championed by the major art galleries of the period (Jeanne Bucher, Louis Carré), Lanskoy whose luxuriant painting style employed a festival of colours (pinks, mauves and oranges are frequent) avoided his characterestic layering of paint when he produced work for weaving. In the same more contained more vein, the forms employed tend to be less exuberant.    
  • Les six cyprès (the six cypresses)

      Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With signed  label. 1957.   I became interested in the art of tapestry particularly because I was excited by the numbered cartoon technique consisting of the fabrication of a mental coloured image using a code…. Tapestry is an essential exercise. As I practised it, it is perhaps the desire to interrogate, down to the finest detail, a work which exists in two dimensions.” (quoted in the exhibition  catalogue, Prassinos, rétrospective de l’oeuvre peint et dessiné, Puyricard, 1983). So much for the artist’s manifesto.  Prassinos designed his first cartoons in 1951 (most of which, around 150, would be woven in the Goubely workshop); then he joined the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie). After several cartoons taking birds as their theme, Prassinos, like several other artists, despite being close to Lurçat, (Matégot, Wogensky…) turned resolutely towards abstraction, in a very personal style where sinuous shapes entwine in contrasting colours (often following a scheme of black-red-brown-beige).   Prassinos moved to Eygalières in 1951 and his first tapestries were designed at the same period : « Cyprès noir » and « Cyprès rouge », both from 1952, number among his very first cartoons, echoing the simultaneous discovery of a locality and a technique. Here the subject is revisited on a larger scale ; one of the 3 originals is in the possession of the Musée Municipal d’Arnhem.       Bibliography : Exhibition Catalogue Mario Prassinos, œuvre tissé, Galerie la Demeure, 1961, ill. p.20-21 Exhibition catalogue Mario Prassinos, tapisseries monumentales, Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles, 1974 Mario Prassinos, œuvre tissé, La Demeure, 1974, n°20 Exhibition catalogue Mario Prassinos, Tapisseries , Aubusson, Musée départemental de le Tapisserie, 1984 Exhibition catalogue Prassinos, Tapisseries, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1988
  • Helios

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Picaud workshop. With signed label. Circa 1960.
        Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the Gobelins, 2016technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world. His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.     His use of the « cloisonné » motif is frequent, be it on checkerboards, coats of arms ; here he uses a spiral of sections assembled in a helix  (cf also “Haut zodiac” for example), whose circular shape with rays spinning outwards evokes the sun : and the title leaves no room for doubt.         Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Nice, Musée des Ponchettes, 1968, ill. Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d’Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976 Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Denise Majorel, une vie pour la tapisserie, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Meister der französischen Moderne, Halle, Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016    
  • Composition

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Rivière des Borderies workshop. Circa 1950.
            A friend of both Bertholle and Le Normand, with whom he  produced several frescoes in the 1940’s, Idoux produced his first tapestry cartoon in 1946 and joined the A.P.C.T. in 1951. His tapestries, where geometrical and optical effects resonate in a grand harmony (and this is only the beginning of the 1950’s!) hark back to his work in stained glass (the church of Notre Dame in Royan for example). As a confirmation of his meteoric rise in the world of tapestry (producing around twenty cartoons in ten years), official recognition came with a commission for two tapestries “Jardin Magique” and “Fée Mirabelle” which were created for the 1st class saloon of the Atlantic ocean liner “France” (“Jardin Magique” is now kept at the eco-museum in St Nazaire).    
  • Le grand  été (a great summer)

    Tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. With signed label. 1957.
        Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world. His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.   Although here the title evokes a season, in the piece itself Lurçat seems rather to evoke a certain exoticism : his travels in Latin America in the mid 1950's inspired numerous cartooons featuring humming-birds, butterflies and exuberant vegetation.     Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d’Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976 Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Meister der französischen Moderne, Halle, Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016
  • Les buveurs (the drinkers)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Tabard workshop. 1944.
        Lurçat approached Saint-Saëns, originally a painter of murals, in 1940. And during the war the latter produced the first of his allegorical masterpieces, tapestries reflecting indignation, combat, resistance : “les Vierges folles (the foolish virgins), “Thésée et le Minotaure” (Theseus and the Minotaur). At the end of the war, as a natural development he joined up with Lurçat, whose convictions he shared (concerning a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers, and the specific nature of tapestry design...) at the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-cartonniers de Tapisserie). His universe, where the human figure, stretched, elongated, ooccupies an important place (particularly when compared to his companions Lurçat or Picart le Doux), pivots around traditional themes : woman, the Commedia dell’arte, Greek mythology... refined by the brilliance of the colours and the simplification of the layout. His work would evolve later, in the 1960’s, towards cartoons of a more lyrical design, almost abstract where elemental and cosmic forces would dominate.   “The original copy of Les Buveurs (The Drinkers) was commissioned by a friend of the artist.. The cartoon of Les Buveurs, of which 8 copies were produced kept recurring like a rotten apple in the correspondance between Tabard and Saint-Saëns, because of the cost of the weaving. Les Buveurs reflects a solid joie de vivre and can be seen as one more  emanation of the rich theme of the vine and the Seasons ...”  (Exhibition catalogue Marc Saint-Saëns, tapisseries, 1935-1979, Angers, p.26). The thematic contrast with the artist’s previous cartoons is striking : Orion, Thésée, les vierges folles, ... The lightness of touch found here will also be found in Le Braconnier (The Poacher) or Le Bouquet (The bouquet).   A copy of this tapestry figured in the 1946 exhibition at the Musée National d’Art Moderne “La Tapisserie française du moyen-âge à nos jours” (n°297)     Bibliography : Jean Lurçat, Tapisserie Française, Bordas, 1947, ill. pl.42 Exhibition catalogue Saint-Saëns, galerie La Demeure, 1970 Exhibition catalogue Saint-Saëns, the tapestries, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la Tapisserie, 1987 Exhibition catalogue Marc Saint-Saëns, tapestries, 1935-1979, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine 1997-1998, ill.  p.26 Exhibition catalogue Tissages d’ateliers, tissages d’artistes, dix ans d’enrichissement des collections, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 2004, ill. p.85
  • Tauromachie (bullfighting)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Rivière des Borderies workshop. 1946.
        Perrot began his career as a cartoon designer at the end of the war, making almost 500 cartoons including numerous commissions from the state, most of which were woven at Aubusson. His style which is particularly rich and decorative is eminently recognisable : a crowd of butterflies or birds, most often, stands out against a background of vegetation, reminiscent of the millefleurs tapestries (which would also inspire Dom Robert).   This tapestry is atypical in Perrot’s production : an audaciously strident choice of colours, an unusually sober motif whose singular theme, including human figures, is treated almost choreographically ; we are close here to the vision of Saint-Saëns. Perhaps then this particular design was specially commissioned ?     Bibliography : Tapisseries, dessins, peintures, gravures de René Perrot, Dessein et Tolra, 1982          
  • Serpent d'étoiles (serpent of stars)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Tabard workshop. With signed label. 1961.
            A member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie), Wogensky is one of the many artists who would follow in Lurçat’s footsteps immediately after the war. At first influenced by his predecessor, Wogensky’s subsequent work (159 cartoons according to the 1989 exhibition catalogue) would evolve during the 1960’s towards a, not completely self-avowed, lyrical abstraction, from cosmic-astronomical themes expressed in decomposed, moving, birdlike shapes to cartoons both more refined and less dense. Although always claiming to be a painter, the artist’s conception of tapestry is extremely well thought out : “the realisation of a mural cartoon…. requires the consideration of a space which is no longer ours alone, by the nature of its dimensions, its scale, it also imposes a grand gesture which transforms and accentuates our presence.”   « Serpent d’étoiles » (Serpent of stars) references the constellation Serpens (but also inevitably Giono’s novel of the same name), at a time (the 1960’s) when his out and out lyricism led him to the evocation of celestial bodies, space, the galaxies ; from “Cassiopée” in 1961, “Chant des étoiles” in 1962 (which figured at the Biennale de Lausanne),  to “Galaxie”  (1970) now in the collection of the French Senate. A similar tapestry figures in the the collection of the Conseil Régional du Limousin.     Bibliography : Exhibition Catalogue Robert Wogensky, tapisseries, Galerie la Demeure, 1962, ill. Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1989 Exhibition catalogue Robert Wogensky, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1989-1990, ill. p.20 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992, ill. p.73 Gérard Denizeau, Denise Majorel, une vie pour la tapisserie, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, ill. p.67    
  • Structure et lumière (structure and light)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Pinton workshop. With signed label, n°1/6. 1964.
          Matégot, originally a decorator, then creator of artefacts and furniture (an activity he abandoned in 1959) met François Tabard in 1945 and gave him his first cartoons, first of all figurative then rapidly of abstract design in the 1950’s. He became a member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres Cartonniers de Tapisserie) in 1949, participated in many international exhibitions (Matégot, like Lurçat before him, was an untiring advocate of the art of tapestry) fulfilled numerous public commissions, sometimes of monumental proportions (“Rouen” 85m2 for the Préfecture of the Seine Maritime département, and also tapestries for Orly Airport, for the Maison de la Radio, for the IMF…) and designed no fewer than 629 cartoons up until the 1970’s. In 1990 the Matégot foundation for contemporary tapestry was inaugurated in Bethesda, U.S.A. Matégot is an artist, like Wogensky, Tourlière or Prassinos, who turns wool textiles resolutely towards the abstract: at first lyrical, geometric in the 70’s, exploiting various technical aspects of the loom : colour graduations, shading, irregularities…   « Structure et lumière » is a self-explanatory title : at this period Matégot’s tapestries are strongly contrasted, using effects of transparency as in stained glass windows (cf. “Piège de lumière”, “Shadows and light »,…). As for « structure » it refers both to his work as an interior designer whose function is to occupy space and organise it - even within the tapestry itself, despite its apparently haphazard lyricism.     Bibliography : Madeleine Jarry, la Tapisserie art du XXe siècle, Office du Livre, 1974, ill. n°115 Exhibition catalogue, Matégot, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1990-1991, ill. p.44 Patrick Favardin, Mathieu Matégot, Editions Norma, 2014, ill. p.335 pictured with the artist in front of his work at the 1990 exhibition.
  • Deux lumières (two lights)

    Tapestry woven in the Goubely-Gatien workshop. With signed label. Circa 1955.
          Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential  in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world. His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.   Lurçat here adds to his traditional scattered and busy motifs (stars, fish, butterflies…) 2 rays of sunlight (giving the work its name) which in their intersecting beams alter significantly the colours : difficult to imagine a better way to illustrate the danger of sunlight for the conservation of tapestries (another cartoon, « Coup de soleil » (previously in my possession) illustrates this theme in an even more explicit fashion,     Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d’Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976 Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Meister der französischen Moderne, Halle, Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016
  • Equinoxe

    Tapestry woven in the Tabard workshop. With label. Circa 1945.
            Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world. His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.   In a sobre and carefully nuanced colour scheme, the familiar motif of the laid table here takes on a new resonance, as though crushed beneath the rays of an equinoctial sun, replacing the habitual still life motifs : game, lobsters, a mandoline.     Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d’Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976 Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat, Meister der französischen Moderne, Halle, Kunsthalle Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016
  • Voyages, le 3e millénaire (Travelling, the 3rd millenium)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Fadat workshop. With signed certificate, n°1/1. 2000.
          Carzou was most noted at the start of his career as a decorative painter (notably for the theatre), and his work for tapestry is relatively rare and only produced by Pierre de Tartas. His style is immediately recognisable in this cartoon, the busy hatching illustrating dream-like subjects : the theme here is a retake on the (only) cartoon by Carzou woven by the Manufactures Nationales, « L’invitation au voyage ». At the dawn of the 3rd millenium (and only a few months before his death), the artist, who was a regular critic of contemporary society, has a singular vision of the future of travel, envisioned as ballooning and sailing ships.
  • Eléctricité (electricity)

    Aubusson tapestry woven by the Legoueix workshop. With signed label, n°1/6. 1970.
        Lurçat approached Saint-Saëns, originally a painter of murals, in 1940. And during the war the latter produced the first of his allegorical masterpieces, tapestries reflecting indignation, combat, resistance : “les Vierges folles (the foolish virgins), “Thésée et le Minotaure” (Theseus and the Minotaur). At the end of the war, as a natural development he joined up with Lurçat, whose convictions he shared (concerning a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers, and the specific nature of tapestry design…) at the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-cartonniers de Tapisserie). His universe, where the human figure, stretched, elongated, ooccupies an important place (particularly when compared to his companions Lurçat or Picart le Doux), pivots around traditional themes : woman, the Commedia dell’arte, Greek mythology… refined by the brilliance of the colours and the simplification of the layout. His work would evolve later, in the 1960’s, towards cartoons of a more lyrical design, almost abstract where elemental and cosmic forces would dominate.   « Lightning » [another title for this cartoon] … bears witness to a new departure for Saint-Saëns, already visible in the 1960’s ; an evocation of cosmic forces [or rather as in this case , physical phenomena] not so much suggested by the drawing’s precision so much as by the strident colours employed…. This tapestry was used for the poster advertising the inauguration of the Aérospatiale Cultural Centre in Toulouse in 1971 » according to Michel Heng, in the exhibition catalogue for the Saint-Saëns exhibition in Aubusson.     Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Saint-Saëns, oeuvre tissé, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la Tapisserie, 1987, ill. p.47 Exhibition catalogue Marc Saint-Saëns, tapisseries, 1935-1979, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1997-1998
  • La légende de Saint Hubert (the legend of Saint hubert)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the  Pinton workshop for the Compagnie des Arts Français. 1943.
    Adnet, who was placed at the head of the Compagnie des Arts Français in 1928, was keen to reinstate tapestry design as an art, distinct from painting, and a key element in interior decoration, with the constraint of numbered coloured threads (in a very similar approach to that of Lurçat). With this intention he contacted at the same time Despierre, Coutaud, Planson, and Brianchon. Despierre was particularly experienced in the conception of monumental art works (he also designed stained glass windows, mosaics and was a member of staff ,and then head, of mural art at the Ecole nationale des arts décoratifs), after receiving commissions during the war, he would be regularly asked to contribute cartoons to the Manufactures nationales who would go on to produce “la pêche” (fishing) “la chasse” (hunting) “le droit maritime”, (the law of the seas) “le droit industriel et commercial” (industrial and commercial law) through the 1950’s and 60’s.   The bright colours (the clothing of the man on the left, worthy of mannerism!), the dense and monumental style of the figures (typical both of the period and this artist’s personal style), should not be allowed to overshadow the underlying meaning of the tapestry : a religious subject, vector of faith and hope during a troubled period (Saint Saëns, Lurçat also dissembled the symbolic behind the apparent). A paradox if one considers the essentially decorative preoccupations of Adnet.   The Cité de la tapisserie in Aubusson possesses an inverted example of this tapestry, with a different border ; this is the one illustrated in the bibliography.     Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue La tapisserie française du moyen âge à nos jours, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, 1946, n°247 Heng Michèle, Aubusson et la renaissance de la tapisserie, Histoire de l'art N° 11, 1990, Varia, Fig. 5 page 69 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, compagnons de route et passants considérables, Felletin, Eglise du château, 1992, ill. p.20-21 Exhibition catalogue Tapisserie et expressions du sacré, Aubusson, musée départemental de la tapisserie, 1999, ill. p.36 Exhibition catalogue Fantastiques chevauchées, le cheval en tapisserie, Aubusson, musée départemental de la tapisserie, 2008, ill.p.63
  • La terre de France ne ment pas (French soil doesn't lie)

    Aubusson tapestry. 1943.
        François Faureau is a singular figure. Born in Aubusson, he studied at the ENAD, of which at the time the director was Marius Martin who was already promoting the use of thick yarn and counted colours that Lurçat would later adopt. Thus he was a representative of the peintre-cartonniers at the stand of the ENAD at the Exposition internationale des Arts décoratifs in 1925 with his tapestry “Solitude, verdure” or the screen “Canards”, which hesitate between neo-classicism and the influence of cubism. He later founded his own workshop, but his production remained somewhat confidential, and somewhat removed from the protagonists of the “Tapestry Renaissance”.   Although the workshops in Aubusson continued their activity during the occupation (as did the Manufactures Nationales), the production of pieces directly influenced by the imposition of the values of Pétain’s government are rare, despite the fact that this typically traditional skill undoubtedly coincided with the values of what was known at the time as the National Revolution. The famous formula spoken by Maréchal Pétain on 25th June 1940 (although its author was Emmanuel Berl), which went on to become a leitmotiv in the official public discourse, exalting the countryside, society’s peasant roots and, rather more prosaically, agriculture, is illustrated here in a very literal fashion bringing together the various rural tasks, vegetation, architecture and animals... all harmoniously exposed under the protective watch of the Vichy regime.     Provenance : Collection Régine Deforges   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue Tapisseries 1925, Aubusson, Cité de la tapisserie, 2012  
  • Banlieue (Suburbs)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With signed label. 1945.
    An enthusiastic mural artist as early as 1937 (he participated in the Exposition Internationale), Lagrange designed his first cartoons in 1945, and became one of the founding members of the A.P.C.T. His early cartoons were expressionist (like Matégot and Tourlière), then his work evolved towards a stylisation (dating from his collaboration with Pierre Baudouin) which would bring him in the 1970’s to a highly refined style using very pure colours. As well as his important rôle in the tapestry renaissance movement of the period (and the state commissions that went with it), Lagrange would become a teacher at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts, a regular collaborator with Jacques Tati, a designer of monumental elements incorporated in various architectural projects and a recognised painter close to Estève and Lapicque. « Banlieue » the first of my tapestries woven in Aubusson, pictures the work of travelling mattress carders using a curious contraption to comb wool which flies around the streets” explained the artist. In his early works Lagrange in a realistic, almost expressionist, vein deals in themes of life in the suburbs, the people who plied their trades (here in an amusing mise en abyme about working with wool) in daily life (cf also Guignebert “le marché aux puces” “flea market”  which is contemporary) in a completely different style from Lurçat’s cosmology. The tapestry was featured in the 1946 exhibition and two other copies are conserved at the Musée de la Chaux-de-Fonds and the Museum du Pays d’Ussel.   Bibliography : Multi-authored, Muraille et laine, Editions Pierre Tisné, 1946, ill. n°58 Madeleine Jarry, La tapisserie, art du XXe siècle, Office du livre, 1974, ill. n°69 Exhibition Catalogue Lagrange, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1987, ill.p.16-17 Exhibition catalogue, Jean Lurçat, compagnons de route et passants considérables, Felletin, Eglise du château, 1992, ill. p.29 Robert Guinot, Jacques Lagrange, les couleurs de la vie, Lucien Souny editeur, 2005, n°28, illustrated Gérard Denizeau, Denise Majorel, une vie pour la tapisserie, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie, ill. p.73 J.J. et B. Wattel, Jacques Lagrange ets es toiles : peintures, tapisseries, cinéma, Editions Louvre Victoire, 2020, ill. p.33, 70-71
  • Tapis de sol (Floor carpet)

    Aubusson carpet/tapestry woven by the Goubely workshop. 1959.
        Manessier was trained in the Bissière studio where he became familiar with decorative art (the sets for the 1937 Exhibition), and with applied arts particularly in the context of religious art (cartoons for stained glass, the design of liturgical ornamentation,...), and designed his first tapestry cartoon in 1947. Somewhat disappointed with the results, too well-defined and arid for his taste, he turned in the 1950’s to the Plasse le Caisne workshop. Exploiting a different technique which allowed for the contrast of stitches, materials, the use of relief, ... and a greater freedom for the weaver who thus engaged in a close collaboration with the cartoon designer, Plasse le Caisne went on to weave most of Manessier’s tapestries, some of them particularly large-scale (“Chant Grégorien” for the Maison de la Radio,...), some of them forming a cycle (the 12 “Cantiques sprituels de Saint Jean de la Croix),...   Very much a one-off in Manessier’s work : a rug, but woven using the Aubusson weaving technique in the Goubely workshop (the only time they worked for the artist) ; it was a commission from Myriam Prévot, co-director of the Galerie de France, which was very active in the promotion of most of the non-figurative and lyrical abstract painters (organising 7 separate exhibitions devoted to Manessier), for her flat on the quai d’Anjou : underlying the close relationship between the artist and the gallery owner who represented him.   Bibliography : Exhibition Catalogue Manessier, oeuvre tissé, Eglise du château de Felletin, 1993 (ill. p.39)
  • Oiseaux de proie (Birds of prey)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. With label, signed with stamp, and by the artit's son, n°6/6. 1941. Gromaire’s woven pieces are few in number : 11 cartoons, designed between 1938 and 1944, most of them in Aubusson. “His rigorous construction, his use of simplification, his penchant for grand composition and grand fundamental ideas, his knowledgeable use of colour and in sum his supreme quality as a master-craftsman, all of those things were to make of him one of the most expert tapestry artists of his time”, so wrote Jean Cassou (Exhibition catalogue, Marcel Gromaire, Paris, Musée Nationale d’art moderne, 1963). It was Guillaume Janneau, then in the chair of the Mobilier National, who contacted him in 1938, convinced that his style (simplification of shape, geometrical designs framed in black, influenced by cubism, limited colour schemes…) would have something to contribute to the resolution of the new aesthetic problems that the art of tapestry would have to confront in order to bring about its renewal (simplified palette, synthetic cartoon design...) firstly with a commission for a work on the theme of the four elements, then with a second (“les saisons”, the seasons) which would be produced at Aubusson. In 1940 Gromaire joined Lurçat and Dubreuil there. Working alone, with great  meticulosity (numerous drawings anticipate the cartoon which is painted rather than numbered as with Lurçat), in close collaboration with Suzanne Goubely, who would weave all his cartoons, he spent 4 years in Aubusson, during which time he devoted all his creative energy to tapestry. At the end of the war, he left the Creuse and produced no more cartoons, leaving to Lurçat the position of grand initiator of the tapestry renewal movement. « Oiseaux de proie » is one of the 5  tapestry cartoons designed by Gromaire for the Goubely workshop during the war and it is emblematic of his style : inspired by local landscapes, the absence of perspective, the strictly organised yet rich and highly abundant style, a limited palette (it is interesting to note the use at this period when France was occupied, the dominant colours of red, white and blue)... The atmosphere of this piece is more menacing than that of other pre-existing works.
    Bibliography : Le Point, Aubusson et la renaissance de la Tapisserie, mars 1946, ill. p.35 Jean Lurçat, Tapisserie française, Bordas, 1947, plate 25 J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers, Tel, 1957 Exhibition catalogue, Gromaire, œuvre tissée, Aubusson, Musée de la tapisserie, 1995, reproduced on p. 49 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992, ill. n°14 (detail) Exhibition catalogue La manufacture des Gobelins dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, Beauvais, Galerie nationale de la tapisserie, 1999.
  • Nappe blanche (White tablecloth)

    Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. Circa 1955.  
    Lurçat’s artistic production was immense : it is however his role as the renovator of the art of tapestry design which ensures his lasting renown. As early as 1917, he started producing works on canvas, then in the 20’s and 30’s, he worked with Marie Cuttoli. His first collaboration with the Gobelins workshop dates back to 1937, at the same time he discovered the tapestry of the Apocalypse which was essential  in his decision to devote himself to tapestry design. He first tackled the technical aspects with François Tabard, then on his installation at Aubusson during the war, he established his technique : broad point, a simplified palette, outlined cartoons with colours indicated by pre-ordained numbers. A huge production then follows (over 1000 cartoons) amplified by his desire to include his painter friends, the creation of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-Cartonniers de Tapiisserie) and the collaboration with the art gallery La Demeure and Denise Majorel, and then by his role as a tireless advocate for the medium around the world.   His tapestries reveal a pictorial world which is specifically decorative, with a very personal symbolic iconography : cosmogony (the sun, the planets, the zodiac, the four elements…) stylised vegetation, fauna (rams, cocks, butterflies, chimera …) standing out against a background without perspective (voluntarily different from painting) and, in his more ambitious work, designed as an invitation to share in a poetic (he sometimes weaves quotations into his tapestries) and philosophical (the grand themes are broached from the wartime period onwards) vision whose climax is the “Chant du Monde” (Song of the World) (Jean Lurçat Museum , ancien hôpital Saint Jean, Angers) which remained unfinished at his death.   The theme of the laid table is a leitmotiv in Lurçat’s work as early as the 1940’s (cf The four corners, 1943 Goubely-Gatien workshop, Angers Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine). These tables, often with connotations of the horn of plenty and often featuring musical instruments (most often the mandolin) recall the traditional still life’s of the XVIIth century, not, as it happens, a theme of contemporary tapestry.   Bibliography : Tapisseries de Jean Lurçat 1939-1957, Pierre Vorms Editeur, 1957 Exhibition Catalogue Lurçat, 10 ans après, Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1976 Exhibition catalogue Les domaines de Jean Lurçat, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la tapisserie contemporaine, 1986 Symposium Jean Lurçat et la renaissance de la tapisserie in Aubusson, Aubusson, Musée départemental de la tapisserie 1992 Exhibition Catalogue Dialogues avec Lurçat, Musées de Basse-Normandie, 1992 Exhibition catalogue Jean Lurçat, Donation Simone Lurçat, Académie des Beaux-Arts, 2004 Jean Lurçat, le chant du monde Angers 2007 Gérard Denizeau, Jean Lurçat, Liénart, 2013 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Lurçat au seul bruit du soleil, Paris, galerie des Gobelins, 2016
  • Paysage à la huppe (Landscape with hoopooe)

          Aubusson tapestry woven by the Goubely workshop. Compete with label. 1941.   Gromaire’s woven pieces are few in number : 11 cartoons, designed between 1938 and 1944, most of them in Aubusson. “His rigorous construction, his use of simplification, his penchant for grand composition and grand fundamental ideas, his knowledgeable use of colour and in sum his supreme quality as a master-craftsman, all of those things were to make of him one of the most expert tapestry artists of his time”, so wrote Jean Cassou (Exhibition catalogue, Marcel Gromaire, Paris, Musée Nationale d’art moderne, 1963). It was Guillaume Janneau, then in the chair of the Mobilier National, who contacted him in 1938, convinced that his style (simplification of shape, geometrical designs framed in black, influenced by cubism, limited colour schemes…) would have something to contribute to the resolution of the new aesthetic problems that the art of tapestry would have to confront in order to bring about its renewal (simplified palette, synthetic cartoon design...) firstly with a commission for a work on the theme of the four elements, then with a second (“les saisons”, the seasons) which would be produced at Aubusson. In 1940 Gromaire joined Lurçat and Dubrueil there. Working alone, with great  meticulosity (numerous drawings anticipate the cartoon which is painted rather than numbered as with Lurçat), in close collaboration with Suzanne Goubely, who would weave all his cartoons, he spent 4 years in Aubusson, during which time he devoted all his creative energy to tapestry. At the end of the war, he left the Creuse and produced no more cartoons, leaving to Lurçat the position of grand initiator of the tapestry renewal movement. « Paysage à la huppe » is one of 5 cartoons designed by Gromaire for the Goubely workshop, and it is absolutely emblematic of his style : inspired by local landscapes, a flattened perspective, a densely decorative style (the hoopoe seems to merge into the landscape), rigorously organised with a restricted colour scheme... This tapestry was shown at the exhibition “La tapisserie française du Moyen Age à nos jours” which was held at the Museum of Modern Art in 1946.     Bibliography : Le Point, Aubusson et la renaissance de la Tapisserie, mars 1946, ill. p.37 (detail) Jean Lurçat, Tapisserie française, Bordas, 1947, plate 25 J. Cassou, M. Damain, R. Moutard-Uldry, la tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers, Tel, 1957, illustrated p.61 Exhibition catalogue, Gromaire, œuvre tissée, Aubusson, Musée de la tapisserie, 1995, reproduced on p 55 Exhibition catalogue La manufacture des Gobelins dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, Beauvais, Galerie nationale de la tapisserie, 1999.
  • L'Homme et la Terre (Man and the Earth)

        Aubusson tapestry woven in the Hamot workshop. 1962.   Jean Picart le Doux is one of the foremost figures in the renaissance of the art of tapestry. His earliest contributions to the field date back to 1943 when he designed cartoons for the passenger ship “la Marseillaise”. A close associate of Lurçat, whose theories he would adopt (limited palette, numbered cartoons...), he was a founding member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres-cartonniers de Tapisserie), and soon after, a teacher at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. The state gave him several commissions most of them at the Aubusson workshop, and some at the Gobelins : the most spectacular of these being for the University of Caen, the Theatre in Le Mans, the passenger ship France or the Prefecture of the Creuse département ... In as much as Picart le Doux’s aesthetic is close to that of Lurçat, so also is his inspiration and his subject matter, although in a register which is more decorative than symbolic, where he brings together heavenly bodies (the sun, the moon, the stars...), the elements, nature (wheat, vines, fish, birds...), man, literary quotation ...   At the turn of the 1960’s Picart le Doux conceived a series of large-scale cartoons (« Le Temps » Galaxie », « L’Homme et la Mer », …) all of which were spectacular allegories centred around Man at the centre of Creation. Here in “L’Homme et la Terre”, the vocabulary he uses : vines, ears of wheat, the human body irrigated by veins,...are all elements used in previous cartoons by the same artist.   Bibliography : Maurice Bruzeau, Jean Picart le Doux, Murs de soleil, Editions Cercle d’art, 1972, ill. n°132 Exhibition Catalogue, Jean Picart le Doux, tapisseries, Musée de Saint-Denis, 1976 Exhibition Catalogue Jean Picart le Doux, Musée de la Poste, 1980
  • Soleil carré (square sun)

        Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. Complete with certificate of origin signed by the artist, n°EX-A. Circa 1965.     Matégot, originally a decorator, then creator of artefacts and furniture (an activity he abandoned in 1959) met François Tabard in 1945 and gave him his first cartoons, first of all figurative then rapidly of abstract design in the 1950’s. He became a member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres Cartonniers de Tapisserie) in 1949, participated in many international exhibitions (Matégot, like Lurçat before him, was an untiring advocate of the art of tapestry) fulfilled numerous public commissions, sometimes of monumental proportions (“Rouen” 85m2 for the Préfecture of the Seine Maritime département, and also tapestries for Orly Airport, for the Maison de la Radio, for the IMF...) and designed no fewer than 629 cartoons up until the 1970’s. In 1990 the Matégot foundation for contemporary tapestry was inaugurated in Bethesda, U.S.A. Matégot is an artist, like Wogensky, Tourlière or Prassinos, who turns wool textiles resolutely towards the abstract: at first lyrical, geometric in the 70’s, exploiting various technical aspects of the loom : colour graduations, shading, irregularities...   « Soleil carré » (Square sun - a contradiction in terms) also illustrates Matégot’s style in the mid-60’s, where shadow and light are in open confrontation : from the upper right hand part of the tapestry the colours radiate outwards dispersing the darkness in concentric fashion.   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue, Matégot, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1990-1991 Patrick Favardin, Mathieu Matégot, Editions Norma, 2014
  • La mare aux oiseaux (The bird pond)

      Aubusson tapestry woven in the Goubely workshop. N° II. 1941.   Gromaire’s woven pieces are few in number : 11 cartoons, designed between 1938 and 1944, most of them in Aubusson. “His rigorous construction, his use of simplification, his penchant for grand composition and grand fundamental ideas, his knowledgeable use of colour and in sum his supreme quality as a master-craftsman, all of those things were to make of him one of the most expert tapestry artists of his time”, so wrote Jean Cassou (Exhibition catalogue, Marcel Gromaire, Paris, Musée Nationale d’art moderne, 1963). It was Guillaume Janneau, then in the chair of the Mobilier National, who contacted him in 1938, convinced that his style (simplification of shape, geometrical designs framed in black, influenced by cubism, limited colour schemes…) would have something to contribute to the resolution of the new aesthetic problems that the art of tapestry would have to confront in order to bring about its renewal (simplified palette, synthetic cartoon design...) firstly with a commission for a work on the theme of the four elements, then with a second (“les saisons”, the seasons) which would be produced at Aubusson. In 1940 Gromaire joined Lurçat and Dubrueil there. Working alone, with great  meticulosity (numerous drawings anticipate the cartoon which is painted rather than numbered as with Lurçat), in close collaboration with Suzanne Goubely, who would weave all his cartoons, he spent 4 years in Aubusson, during which time he devoted all his creative energy to tapestry. At the end of the war, he left the Creuse and produced no more cartoons, leaving to Lurçat the position of grand initiator of the tapestry renewal movement.   The bird pond is typical of the aesthetic expressed by Gromaire in his tapestries, by its extremely decorative, almost dream-like quality (quite different from his graphic works), by the choice of subject, both animal and vegetable (and even architectural) and particularly influenced by the Creuse region. It is the extraordinary density, the proliferation and profusion which are particularly striking and which make Gromaire’s work in textile so inimitable.   Bibliography : Le Point, Aubusson et la renaissance de la tapisserie, mars 1946, ill. p.34 Muraille et laine, éditions pierre Tisné, 1946, ill. n°51 Exhibition catalogue Tapisseries d’Aubusson, Luxembourg, Galerie d’art municipale, 1982, n° 3 Exhibition catalogue, Gromaire, œuvre tissée, Aubusson, Musée de la tapisserie, 1995, ill. on p 51 Exhibition catalogue La manufacture des Gobelins dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, Beauvais, Galerie nationale de la tapisserie, 1999.  
  • Composition

      Aubusson tapestry woven by the Tabard workshop. Complete with certificate of origin, worn , signed by the artist. 1964 or 1965.       From early on in his career, Mortensen, favoured an abstract painting style. He settled in Paris in 1947 and showed his works, with other artists also inclined to geometric abstraction, at the Denise René gallery. In 1952 under the aegis of François Tabard and Vasarely an exhibition titled « 12 original tapestries » opened at the gallery where, in the company of Le Corbusier and Léger, there appeared works by Deyrolle, Taueber-Arp and Mortensen who thus became the first abstract painters to be reproduced in tapestry and a new art form was born (in this context, it must not be forgotten that this is the period where the “Lurçat style” was absolutely dominant) which Gilioli, Matégot and Tourlière will all subsequently claim as their own. Mortensen’s collaboration with the “René-Tabard tapestries” will last until 1968, even though he returned to his native Denmark in 1964. The 14 works of the artist which will be woven are characterised by his large-scale geometrical  compositions, using bright, light and contrasting colours in large expanses of colour, which the weavers of the Tabard workshop reproduce with great success. .   This tapestry is one of the 3 tapestries woven by the Tabard workshop in 1964-1965 to have no title (cf. Catalogue of the tapestries woven by the Tabard workshop), each of the 3 is a one-off piece.   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue, Aubusson, la voie abstraite, Aubusson, Musée départmental de la Tapisserie, 1993
  • Le soleil de Tijuana (the Tijuana sun)

        Aubusson tapestry woven in the Pinton workshop. Signed certificate of origin. Circa 1960.   Matégot, originally a decorator, then creator of artefacts and furniture (an activity he abandoned in 1959) met François Tabard in 1945 and gave him his first cartoons, first of all figurative then rapidly of abstract design in the 1950’s. He became a member of the A.P.C.T. (Association des Peintres Cartonniers de Tapisserie) in 1949, participated in many international exhibitions (Matégot, like Lurçat before him, was an untiring advocate of the art of tapestry) fulfilled numerous public commissions, sometimes of monumental proportions (“Rouen” 85m2 for the Préfecture of the Seine Maritime département, and also tapestries for Orly Airport, for the Maison de la Radio, for the IMF...) and designed no fewer than 629 cartoons up until the 1970’s. In 1990 the Matégot foundation for contemporary tapestry was inaugurated in Bethesda, U.S.A. Matégot is an artist, like Wogensky, Tourlière or Prassinos, who turns wool textiles resolutely towards the abstract: at first lyrical, geometric in the 70’s, exploiting various technical aspects of the loom : colour graduations, shading, irregularities...   Matégot, recognised as an avant garde designer, an admired creator of furniture and decorative objects, also produced an essentially abstract body of tapestry work. However this is not an example of pure abstraction : but rather the evocation of a place (there are also “Mindanao”, “Santa Barbara”....) of its climate, using all the technical means offered by the medium : transparency, graduations, shading...   Origin : contents of the Pinton workshop   Bibliography : Exhibition catalogue, Matégot, Angers, Musée Jean Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, 1990-1991


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